Episode 72: Nat Berman

Nat Berman has receipts. Boxes of them.

His mission is to help other fill their receipt boxes...

...so they can create the life they secretly desire but may not know how to build.

What's the goal? Financial independence. It's not necessarily wealth, it's the freedom to choose where to invest your time.

Nat put in the work - long days, for years, with one goal: To get off the treadmill of corporate life.

Now Nat helps others create a plan to be Masters of their Universe (please tell me you have one of these t-shirts, Nat).

Nat posts daily on LinkedIn...usually wearing a vintage t-shirt with obscure movie lines or classic culture references.

What Nat preaches is not for everyone. Another successful business person posting selfies from his backyard pool (don't forge the cool t-shirts).

Don't let the format mislead you. Nat has discovered, after years of posting, how to reach an audience. People who are not willing to do the work don't understand.

Nat's just running the same process he used to create financial independence to help others.

Seems to make sense.

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