
The Magnus Archives
MAG 196 - This Old House
Case ########-36
A statement on Reality recorded by Martin K Blackwood, recorded at Hilltop Road.
Content warnings:
- Manipulation
- Altered reality
- Spiders
- Heights / vertigo (inc. SFX)
- Mentions of: death, blackmail, war, knives, human remains, paranoia, body horror, live burial, children in peril, arson
- SFX: harsh static, insects
Thanks to this week's Patrons:
If you'd like to join them, visit
Edited this week by Nico Vettese, Elizabeth Moffatt, Brock Winstead, Jeffrey Nils Gardner & Alexander J Newall
Written by Jonathan Sims and directed by Alexander J Newall
Produced by Lowri Ann Davies
- "Martin Blackwood" - Alexander J Newall
- "Annabelle Cane" - Chioma Nwalioba
Sound effects this week by 14GPanskaHonc_Petr, aarom, aunrea, baryy, BeeProductive, cmusounddesign, DWOBoyle, f-r-a-g-i-l-e, Fission9, freakinbehemoth, giddster, Huggy13ear, InspectorJ, j1987, jlozano, mmarkb, MichelleGrobler, MTJohnson, muses212, Native_Cell, nomenclatures, o_ciz, OGsoundFX, Ornitorrinco, patchytherat, PeteBarry, PMarcy, qubodup, RogerBoyX69, rsellick, Rudmer_Rotteveel, Sheyvan, SteveMannella, sturmankin, Timmeh515, Veridiansunrise, xtrgamr & previously credited artists via
Additional sound effect from Little Robot Sound Factory via
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The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike 4.0 International Licence
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35. The Magnus Protocol 35 - Terms and Conditions
23:16||Season 8, Ep. 35CAT1RB4778-14082023-22052024mascot (incarceration) -/- retaliation (imposter)Incident Elements:· Mascots (Bonzo)· Murder· Graphic Violence· Scopophobia· Stalking· Mentions of: Suicide, Child Neglect,Transcripts available at episode is dedicated to Oliver Kaminski. You can find a complete list of our Kickstarter backers by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall Directed by Alexander J NewallWritten by Alexander J NewallScript Edited with additional material by Jonathan SimsExecutive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice Produced by April SumnerFeaturing (in order of appearance) Billie Hindle as Alice DyerLowri Ann Davies as Celia RipleyAnusia Battersby as Gwendolyn BouchardAlexander J Newall as NorrisKazeem Tosin Amore as Teddy VaughnDialogue Editor – Nico VetteseSound Designer – Meg McKellarMastering Editor - Catherine RinellaMusic by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson) Art by April Sumner SFX from Soundly and Freesound: kyles, deleted_user_21043670, deleted_user_2104797, poqdavid, FlorsTristi, collacot, maisonsonique, StefanoPTesta, InMotionAudio, yarashaunt, bevibeldesign, as well as previously credited artists.Check out our merchandise available at and Rusty Quill by purchasing from our Affiliates;DriveThruRPG – DriveThruRPG.comJoin our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillEMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence.34. The Magnus Protocol 34 - Eliminations
21:44||Season 8, Ep. 34CATXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXERROR (Unknown Source)Incident Elements:DeathGraphic Violence MurderImprisonmentPsychological TortureSuicideTranscripts available at episode is dedicated to Gray Anderson. You can find a complete list of our Kickstarter backers by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall Directed by Alexander J NewallWritten by Jonathan SimsScript Edited with additional material by Alexander J NewallExecutive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice Produced by April SumnerFeaturing (in order of appearance) Sasha Sienna as Georgie Barker Shahan Hamza as Samama Khalid David Ault as Warden Dave Rebecca Ashley as Gardener Beth Eyre as ArchivistDialogue Editor – Lowri Ann Davies Sound Designer – Tessa Vroom Mastering Editor - Catherine RinellaMusic by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson) Art by April Sumner SFX from Soundly and Freesound: SpliceSound, felixblume, TILIADESIGN, magnuswalker, collacot, khenshom, Imbubec, cjolley, richwise, BrendanSound12, caileykehoe, smokevhstapes, misperpodcast, craigsmith, zoomology, ProductionNow, ReadeOnly, SoundDesignForYou, Bexhillcollege, ABouch, NachtmahrTV, launemax, joedeshon, EricsSoundschmiede, and previously credited artistsCheck out our merchandise available at and Rusty Quill by purchasing from our Affiliates; DriveThruRPG – DriveThruRPG.comJoin our community: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: X: @therustyquill EMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence.33. The Magnus Protocol 33 - Peer Review
23:38||Season 8, Ep. 33CAT2RB2365-14081996-20052024Transformation (pier) -/- Fear (void)Incident Elements:NyctophobiaThalassophobiaAbandonmentUnrealityTranscripts available at episode is dedicated to Addison Wagner. You can find a complete list of our Kickstarter backers by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall Directed by Alexander J NewallWritten by Aaron Blanton (for more of his work visit Edited with additional material by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J NewallExecutive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice Produced by April SumnerFeaturing (in order of appearance) Lowri Ann Davies as Celia RipleyJonathan Sims as ChesterBillie Hindle as Alice DyerAnusia Battersby as Gwendolyn BouchardMike Thoms as Brett LarzDialogue Editor – Nico VetteseSound Designer – Meg McKellarMastering Editor - Catherine RinellaMusic by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson) Art by April Sumner SFX from Freesound: khenshom, deleted_user_3280201, TriqyStudio, qubodup, Kodack, SoundsForHim, kyles, cupido, RutgerMuller, deleted_user_7146007, csaszi, othercee, coltures, trevornau22fv, VotherMoraes, ondrosik // Hold Music: 'Skyscraper Samba' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. out our merchandise available at and Rusty Quill by purchasing from our Affiliates;DriveThruRPG – DriveThruRPG.comJoin our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillEMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence.32. The Magnus Protocol 32 - Restructuring
20:33||Season 8, Ep. 32CAT2RC1475-18032015-17052024Building (angry) -/- N/AIncident Elements:UnrealityNon-consensual mental health detainment/misdiagnosisDisappearancePsychosis/PossessionMentions of: depression, hallucinations, mental instability, PTSDTranscripts available at episode is dedicated to Dan Carlson. You can find a complete list of our Kickstarter backers by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall Directed by Alexander J NewallWritten by Alexander J NewallScript Edited with additional material by Jonathan SimsExecutive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice Produced by April SumnerFeaturing (in order of appearance) Anusia Battersby as Gwendolyn BouchardBillie Hindle as Alice DyerAlexander J Newall as NorrisLowri Ann Davies as Celia RipleyYanick Ghanty as Luke DyerDialogue Editor – Lowri Ann DaviesSound Designer – Tessa VroomMastering Editor - Catherine RinellaMusic by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson) Art by April Sumner SFX from Freesound: Danrules213, rodincoil, straget, zrrion_the_insect, khenshom, and previously credited artistsCheck out our merchandise available at and Rusty Quill by purchasing from our Affiliates;DriveThruRPG – DriveThruRPG.comJoin our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillEMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence.RQ Network Feed Drop – Not Quite Dead S1: I:The Girl on the Gurney
22:53|This month we are featuring a feed drop for an incredible podcast on the RQ Network: Not Quite Dead.Not Quite Dead is a UK-based Gory, Horror, Romance, podcast from the award-winning team behind Spirit Box Radio, Remnants and Clockwork Bird. Follow Alfie, a nurse working overtime when a patient arrives with her throat torn out. This is just the beginning of a terrifying night as Alfie finds himself caught in a battle between the living and the undead.Saved by a mysterious stranger named Casper, they find themselves inescapably bound together. Neither of them are happy about it, but the draw of each other’s blood is irresistible.Introduction and outro by Anusia Battersby. Listen to Not Quite Dead on the Rusty Quill website, on Acast, or wherever you listen to podcasts. To learn more about Not Quite Dead, check out their official website. If you want to support Not Quite Dead and it’s creators, until April 3rd, head to Written, performed and edited by Eira Major. Transcript: Warnings: Please bear in mind that this show is a work of horror fiction and frequently places characters in situations which jeopardise their psychological and physical health. This episode contains: – mild profanity – references to sex – discussion of the process of dying – medicalised descriptions of death processes and dead people – death, including violent death – references to medical procedures – hospital settings – mentions of blood – mentions of infidelity – descriptions of blood31. The Magnus Protocol 31 - Compartmentalising
34:24||Season 8, Ep. 31CAT123RB5555-14052024-14052024Integration (organic) -/- Computer (Hardware)Incident Elements:ScreamingHarsh LanguageScopophobiaGraphic ViolenceMentions of: dismemberment, malnourishmentTranscripts available at can find a complete list of our Kickstarter backers by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall Directed by Alexander J NewallWritten by Jonathan SimsScript Edited with additional material by Alexander J NewallExecutive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice Produced by April SumnerFeaturing (in order of appearance) Anusia Battersby as Gwendolyn BouchardBillie Hindle as Alice DyerRyan Hopevere-Anderson as Colin BecherLowri Ann Davies as Celia RipleyShahan Hamza as Samama KhalidSasha Sienna as Georgie BarkerDavid Ault as Warden DaveAmy Brown as Warden HeidiBeth Eyre as ArchivistDialogue Editor – Nico VetteseSound Designer – Meg McKellarMastering Editor - Catherine RinellaMusic by Sam Jones (orchestral mix by Jake Jackson) Art by April Sumner Check out our merchandise available at and Rusty Quill by purchasing from our Affiliates;Phantom Peak – UK immersive experience – 15% discount with this linkDriveThruRPG – DriveThruRPG.comJoin our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillEMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence.RQ Network Feed Drop – Wake of Corrosion S1: E01 – Off-Grid
20:05|This month we are featuring a feed drop for an incredible podcast on the RQ Network: Wake of Corrosion.Wake of Corrosion is a UK-based Eldritch Horror-inspired audio drama set in a nightmare ridden, apocalyptic world.An unknown horror grips the country, forcing most of the remaining population into shelter. Tune into the broadcasts from Bunker A:12 and join Professor Ryan as he endeavours to find answers in the wreckage.His only lead? The journal entries and personal recordings left behind by brothers, Elliot and Roman, who were there when it all began…Introduction and outro by Shahan Hamza. Listen to Wake of Corrosion on the Rusty Quill website, on Acast, or wherever you listen to podcasts. To learn more about Wake of Corrosion, check out their official website.Credits:Written, directed and produced by Shaun PellingtonWith voice acting from:Kieran Walsh as Professor RyanShaun Pellington as ElliotLee Pellington as RomanIntro theme-"Phantasm", Outro theme - "Shadowlands 5 - Antechamber"Kevin MacLeod []Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0Both pieces are reduced from their originals with fade out effects/Character voice-over/Radio static SFX.Sound FX: or self createdMorse Code SFX from: morsecode.worldCover Art: Original picture taken by Emily Fitzgerald @emily.fitz_photographyContent Warnings: Apocalypse, vehicular accidentsMentions of: Anxiety, dogs and wolvesSFX: BeepingThe Magnus Protocol - Season 2 Trailer
02:47||Season 8, Ep. 0The Magnus Protocol returns, 27 February 2025.You can find a complete list of our Kickstarter backers Created by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall Directed by Alexander J NewallWritten by Jonathan SimsScript Edited with additional material by Alexander J NewallExecutive Producers April Sumner, Alexander J Newall, Jonathan Sims, Dani McDonough, Linn Ci, and Samantha F.G. Hamilton Associate Producers Jordan L. Hawk, Taylor Michaels, Nicole Perlman, Cetius d’Raven, and Megan Nice Produced by April Sumner Featuring (in order of appearance) David Ault as Warden DaveAmy Brown as Warden HeidiBeth Eyre as ArchivistDialogue Editor – Nico VetteseSound Designer – Tessa VroomMastering Editor - Catherine Rinella Art by April Sumner Music by Sam Jones Check out our merchandise available at and Support Rusty Quill by purchasing from our Affiliates;Phantom Peak – UK immersive experience – 15% discount with this linkDriveThruRPG – Join our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillEMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence.The Magnus Protocol Season 1 QnA
49:48||Season 7, Ep. 0Alex and Jonny sit down to answer your burning questions about Season 1 of the Magnus Protocol.Content Notes- Spoilers through Season 1 of The Magnus Protocol and the entirety of the Magnus ArchivesProduced by April SumnerEdited by Nico VetteseMastering by Catherine RinellaJoin our community:WEBSITE: rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillEMAIL: The Magnus Protocol is a derivative product of the Magnus Archives, created by Rusty Quill Ltd. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share alike 4.0 International Licence.