
The Plone Newsroom
A monthly podcast about Plone, the Plone community and whatever we come up with to keep you informed.
The Unofficial Plone News Podcast, Brought to you by Philip Bauer and Fred van Dijk . Visit the accompanying website with contens and links to the video recording at .
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17. TPN17: Plone and Volto recent releases, Classic-UI team, Foundation new, Sprint recaps, Plone TuneUP days the Conf and some fresh add'ons.
01:29:07||Season 2, Ep. 17While we were chatting and relaxing, Release Manager Maurits van Rees finished the Release Candidate of Plone 6.0.7 on the same day. You can find this pre release announced on with all details, please test if you have some time available, so we can have a stable final release next week.But there was plenty to talk about nonetheless:Plone 6.0.6 and previous (6.0.5/6.0.4) releases, highlightsPlone 5.2.13Volto updates and features in the 17 alpha releasesClassic-UI Team startupPlone Foundation news7 new members welcomed to the FoundationVote on proposes changed to the Plone Foundation BylawsRecent Sprints held in May and June 2023.Beethoven Sprint, BonnMidsummer Sprint, JyväskyläCerrado Sprint, BrasiliaUpcoming EventsMonthly Plone Tune-Up day, September 15th onlinePloneConf 2023, October 2nd- to 8th, EibarAnd we had some time left to discuss add'ons.Fred mentions a number of small add'ons for Plone 6 Classic-UI, that you could add to your projects' policy or content packages but is easier to add and activate :collective.mosaicpage (Zest)collective.abovecontenttitleportlets & collective.belowcontentportlets (Zest)collective.tiles.collection (Redturtle)collective.tiles.discussion (derived from collective.portlet.dicussion)Philip discusses 4 ways to add Drop Down menu's to a Volto base Plone websitevolto-navigation-dropdown , by Ken Manheimer, with a nice discussion on while he designed and developed the add'on.volto-menu-customization (CodeSyntax)volto-dropdownmenu, (RedTurtle)And finally we ponder about the possibility of a Plone 6.1 alpha release before PloneConf.We hope you enjoy this new podcast, hope to see you online soon or in person at PloneConf in October!
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15. TPN15: PloneConf 2023, Alpine City Sprint recap, Plone 6.0.3 and 6.04, World Plone Day and Strategic tasks for Plone
01:06:49||Season 2, Ep. 15Topics discussed in this episode of The Plone Newsroom:The PloneConf 2023 website is live and one of the keynote speakers is announced: Olatz Perez de Viñaspre, an associate professor at the University of the Basque Country.The Alpine City Sprint 2023 held in Innsbruck in February 6th to 10thPlone 6.0.3 and 6.0.4 releases, with their releated Volto 16 updated releasesThe Plone 5.1.12 releasewhere the control panel now shows a warning if you use an unsupported Python version with Plone 5.2Upcoming events: World Plone Day 2023. Oh wait, this TPN episode is one of the many great video's aired during World Plone DayThe upcoming Beethoven Sprint in Bonn, Germany in May.The Midsummer Sprint in Jyväskylä, Finland planned at the end of June.And we discuss 'strategic tasks for for Plone'14. TPN14: Installing and developing Plone with docker, Plone 6.0.2, Alpine City Sprint, upcoming sprints and events
01:31:28||Season 2, Ep. 14Topics discussed in this podcast:The Alpine City Sprint 2023 held in Innsbruck in February 6th to 10thPlone 6.0.2 releaseNews about the Mastering Plone TrainingUpcoming events: World Plone Day, submit a talk if you haven't so!And the date of the Beethoven Sprint is now public: 15th to 19th of May.We discuss some results / aera's worked on in Innsbruck like the Plone Addon Gallery, The Plone Architecture definition, and there is a new and promising implemtnation for Plone Distributions.Our feature of this week deals with Container/Docker based Development and Deployment, which was also a fiercely worked on topic at the SprintAudio and video version available at TPN13: Plone 6, 6.0.1 minor patch, Plone Board priorities '23, Steering Circle, Alpine City Sprint
01:05:06||Season 2, Ep. 13Back from a not only relaxing holiday season and a too busy January, we recorded the next TPN episode just in time for the first on location sprint in 2023. We discuss:The Plone 6 releasePlone 6.0.1 and 5.2.11 minor patchesPlone 4.3 out of supportThe 2023 priorities of the Plone Foundation boardThe Upgrade of the Steering Circle to version 2.0The upcoming Alpine City Sprint 2023 : Let Plone shine like a diamondHappy listening!12. TPN12: Plone 6 RC1 and release date, Volto 16 final, community news, debug & GDPR add'ons
57:21||Season 2, Ep. 12Back to our normal recording locations from home, we discuss this month the following subjects:Releases: Plone 6.0 rc1, Volto 16 final and Plone 6 release datePython 3.11 supported in Plone 6 & speedupsRecap of PloneConf 2022New Ploneboard installed & officers electedPlone Foundation on Mastodonaddon's: and GDPR modules10. TPN10: PloneConf'22, Plone6.0b2, Plone and Python LTS. Feature & add'ons: Portlets
01:08:39||Season 2, Ep. 10We discuss the latest Plone 6.0b2, Long Term Support for Plone and Python versions, we look forward to the upcoming Plone Conference 2022 in Namur with some talks in the schedule. We announce a special upcoming TPN episode .... and as a (small) feature we discuss and show the portlet functionality in Plone and show some add'ons for and tricks with Portlets.9. TPN Episode #9
01:35:27||Season 1, Ep. 9This podcast is mostly about the first beta of Plone 6 which was just released at the end of July. We discuss what is new in the backend and in the default (Volto) and classic frontends. Other topics: the upcoming Plone Conference 2022, We talk about some add'ons and Fred introduces a new subject area: marketing and sales.