
The Biz
What is "The Biz"?
Season 1, Ep. 1
This is Thomas Giella's first Podcast for The Business Bull Shit. Thomas talks in short about his past rough experiences which made him become a business owner.
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9. Episode 9: What to do with aged accounts that need help?
11:19||Season 1, Ep. 9What to do when a client that hasn't your services in 2 years calls up in a panic because there network is down? Listen to this episode 9 podcast of The Biz to find out how we handled it today.8. Client Meetings. Love them or hate them?
30:04||Season 1, Ep. 8Tonight, I go over what happened to me tonight when I met with a client board at their board meeting. Briefly go over the different types of clients you can interact with. And go over what makes a good salesman. Bonus, horrible experiences I have had with a client and how I kept my cool.Side Note: It is 11:30pm at night and I am really tired. I yawned about 6-times during the podcast. I'm so sorry!7. Holy Tariffs!
24:47||Season 1, Ep. 76. Holy Pop-ups Batman
48:28||Season 1, Ep. 65. Episode 5: How To Backup Your Business
23:03||Season 1, Ep. 5Local backup- USB sticks- External hard drivesCloud based backups- Dropbox- Google drive- AmazonProper way of backing up your system- Local custom built NAS and Cloud. $60 for 1TB per computer per month- Virtualized server/computer, local backup, and cloud storage backup. $200 for 1TB per monthMy Company URL: https://completeit.io4. Office IT Equipment. What do you really need?
32:11||Season 1, Ep. 4Welcome back everyone for an amazing Episode 4 covering office IT equipment. Today we cover:Office PhonesPrintersComputersNetworksToward the end of the Podcast I give the keys to the kingdom on how to save your company $650 per employee per year. This has helped my clients make the hard decisions when it comes to equipment purchasing, and I can only hope that it helps you as well.3. What forms of payments should you accept?
47:28||Season 1, Ep. 3SubtitleShow me the money!SummaryMy Square Affiliate Link: Sign up for Square and get free processing on up to $1,000 in card transactions.Have you ever wondered type the different types of payment types there are in the 21st century? We found some that you have never even heard of.Learn the different types of payment types.The history of the credit card.What was the first credit card?Sears created The Discover Card we know today... WHAT?!?!?!What the difference between swipe and chipping a cardWhat is this new EMV chip card and do I need it?What states earn you a misdemeanor for charging a transaction fee to your clients because they chose to use a credit card?Different types of payment gatewaysSquareStripeQuickbooksWorldPayMy Square Affiliate Link: Sign up for Square and get free processing on up to $1,000 in card transactions.Reference Links: How amazing is the Co-Starters course?
53:03||Season 1, Ep. 2Thomas Giella talks about the co-starters program in depth and how its business plan helped him grow his business. This is not your YouTube get rich quick scheme podcast.SmartStart Pasco Program