
Tar Valon Or Bust
The Path of Daggers: Chapters 18-24
Season 10, Ep. 4
Jenn and Preeti exult in Egwene's secret plan revealed, are very concerned about Rand and his plans, and have some shout-outs and thoughts from Jordan Con and the Discord!
Next episode: Chapter 25 - The End
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Spider-Man's Bad Connection (September 5)
Magic Has No Borders (May 23)
The Grimoire of Grave Fates - June
Mermaids Never Drown - September (Vampires Never Get Old)
Fit for the Gods - August 1
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5. The Wheel of Time S3 E4: The Road to the Spear
41:30||Season 16, Ep. 5Preeti and Jenn are VERY INTO this episode, and also have so many feelings about how intense it is. Rhuidean, y'all!!!4. The Wheel of Time S3 E3: Seeds of Shadow
53:32||Season 16, Ep. 4Jenn and Preeti talk about how refreshing it is to have real motivations for villains and Perrin actually getting to develop as a character, disagree about Elaida (in more than one way), are concerned about Min, and more.3. The Wheel of Time S3 E2: A Question of Crimson
44:57||Season 16, Ep. 3Episode 2 continues with the shockers; Jenn feels like this is a much darker Morgase, everyone gets to be an Accepted, who needs Tear when you can have the Waste and Two Rivers already, and both Jenn and Preeti are SO EXCITED for Egwene to meet Bair.2. The Wheel of Time S3 E1: To Race the Shadow
01:00:11||Season 16, Ep. 2This new season starts off with a bang (litrully!), and Preeti and Jenn talk about some big changes to plot, some great character work, some dubious wigs, and more.6. A Memory of Light: Chapters 31 - 36
01:19:25||Season 17, Ep. 6What a ride -- Preeti and Jenn suddenly care about Olver (!!?!?!), are very frustrated about Perrin, have their heart broken by Ituralde and Galad, and Rand is fighting The Nothing.Next section, airing next week: Chapter 37, up through the line which includes "Through a gateway, off the battlefield." In Preeti's edition (, it's at the top of page 709, about halfway through this mega-chapter.Payal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now! and northingtron.redbubble.com5. A Memory of Light: Chapters 25 - 30
01:17:07||Season 17, Ep. 5Battles! Reveals! More battles! Sanderson makes it weird! Preeti and Jenn have, as per usual, talk about what falls flat (not the same for them, actually) and what works well in this uneven banger of a section.Next section (airing in 1 week): Chapters 31 - 36Our updated recording plan:Book episodes will be weeklyShow episodes for WOT S3 will go up the weekend after the episodes airPayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now! and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES4. A Memory of Light: Chapters 17 - 24
01:40:40||Season 17, Ep. 4In which Preeti and Jenn give an update about episode drops for both book and show in the next month, talk about closing open loops, hate on Gawyn as usual, and have ALL THE FEELINGS about certain reunion/parting moments.Next episode: Chapters 25 - 30Payal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now! and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES3. A Memory of Light: Chapters 10 - 16
01:48:48||Season 17, Ep. 3In this humdinger of a section, Preeti and Jenn talk pay-offs (Androl!), character moments (Rand!!), frustrations (Mat and Tuon!!! Battle scenes!!!!) and more.Next section: Chapters 17 - 24 inclusivePayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!Love Y'All Fest Atlanta and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES2. A Memory of Light: Chapters 4 - 9
01:36:59||Season 17, Ep. 2In which Preeti and Jenn talk (again) about pacing, some very good POV choices, character arcs, and still love Pevara and Androl but have some frustrations with their escapades.Next section: Chapters 10 - 16 inclusivePayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!House of and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES