
Super Brain
Special Investigation: What is COVID19 doing to our brains?
Dr Sabina Brennan, host of Super Brain, investigates the impact of COVID19 on the human brain
Special thanks to Helen Brennan, Maddie Culling, Carolyn Gunther, Barbara Melville and Caroline O'Brien, for sharing their personal stories and to Dr Lucy Cheke, Dr Ron Daniels, Dr Patricia Mc Namara and Dr Adrian Owen their expert insights on the neurological and cognitive complications of COVID-19
A HUGE thank you to my very special and talented editor Emily Burke for going above and beyond to help me to get this special and important episode to you.
If you would like to learn more about brain fog and how to minimise it check out Super Brain Booster #8 'What is Brain Fog?
Brain Health Advice
As mentioned in the podcast leading a brain healthy life is the best thing that you can do to counteract brain fog symptoms and also to build brain resilience You will find links lots of free scientifically-grounded brain health resources developed by Dr Sabina Brennan on
You can purchase the UK edition of Sabina's book on Brain Health: 100 Days to a Younger Brain on Amazon, W.H. Smith or wherever you buy books
You can purchase the US edition of Sabina's book on Brain Health: 100 Days to a Younger Brain on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or wherever you buy books
Her new book Beating Brain fog is available for pre-order
If you are living with lingering symptoms post-COVID you may find the Patient Support Programme created by the UK Sepsis Trust which was founded by Dr Ron Daniels
How to Take Part in Research
Dr Adrian Owen's COVID-19 Brain Study is open to anyone experiencing brain fog symptoms
Dr Lucy Cheke's study on COVID and memory is currently in "sign-up" stage. Click the link for information and the signup form.
Neurological Complications
Download this pdf of the paper co-authored by Dr PatriciaMcNamara - The emerging spectrum of COVID-19 neurology: clinical, radiological and laboratory findings
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7. S5:E7 Mood, Food and the Gut Brain Connection with Prof John Cryan
01:03:03||Season 5, Ep. 7Dr Sabina Brennan has a fascinating conversation with Prof John Cryan stress neurobiologist and co-author of the Psychobiotic Revolution about the gut and the brain and how bacteria and the food we eat contribute to and are influenced by stress, anxiety, depression and more.The Psychobiotic RevolutionYou can follow Prof Cryan on Twitter @JFCryanYou can read more about his research and access his publications S5:E6 Help Me with Marianne Power
01:14:33||Season 5, Ep. 6Dr Sabina Brennan chats to journalist Marianne Power about the year she spent following the advice of one self-help book per month. -The book is like reading a Bridget Jones script only better, you'll laugh and cry and thanks to Marianne's no hold's barred honesty you will recognise yourself on every page. I loved chatting to Marianne and I know you will love listening to our chat.5. S5:E5 Bird girl with Mya-Rose Craig
49:48||Season 5, Ep. 5Dr Sabina Brennan chats to 20 year old Dr Mya-Rose Craig about her memoir Birdgirl. Already a woman if substance this young woman who has achieved so much in such a short period of time describes herself as a British-Bangladeshi birder, environmentalist, diversity activist, writer, speaker and broadcaster.Mya-Rose's memoir Birdgirl is available in print, e-book and audiobook online and in stores. You can read about Mya-Rose's work and achievements on www.birdgirluk.comYou can follow her on instagram as @birdgirluk and on twitter as @birdgirluk3. S5:E3 Control
aN:aN||Season 5, Ep. 3Dr Sabina Brennan explores the psychology and neuroscience of control, impulsivity, self-control, taking control and relinquishing control.2. S5:E2 Headspace for healthy eating with Dr Rupi Aujla
01:09:59||Season 5, Ep. 2Dr Sabina Brennan chats to NHS doctor, Sunday Times best-selling author and host of the The Doctor's Kitchen podcast about how he overcame a life-changing diagnosis and avoided heart surgery by adjusting his lifestyle and changing his diet. In this frank interview Rupi admits that it can be tough to maintain a healthy lifestyle in times of stress and shares the daily habits that help him to get back on trackThe Doctor's Kitchen PodcastDownload the Doctors Kitchen App to get access to personalised recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs.1. S5:E1 Imaginers
47:56||Season 5, Ep. 1The Super Brain podcast returns with this audio documentary produced and presented by Super Brain host Dr Sabina BrennanDr Edward O'Sullivan, Director of the Migraine Clinic at Cork University Hospital takes us inside the migraine brain offering a medical and scientific perspective and Dr Sabina Brennan shares her own experience of living with chronic migraine. Migraine is the 7th most debilitating condition in the world (WHO) affecting 10-12% of the population. Vox pops threaded through the doc illustrate the misconceptions and misappropriation of migraine. This audio documentary aims to bust the myth that migraine is just a headache and get people to think twice about appropriating this neurological condition to describe a hangover or pull a sickie." Producer/Presenter Sabina BrennanEditor Emily BurkeAssistant Producer Angela MezzettiSuper Brain is back
aN:aN||Season 5, Ep. 0Super Brain is back. Season 5 kicks off March 21st 2022 with the audio documentary produced and presented by Dr Sabina Brennan.Super Brain Episodes will drop every third Monday in the MonthBooster 48 - Stranger Danger
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