
cover art for Ep 015 - Georgia Hardstark Talks Not Wanting Kids


Ep 015 - Georgia Hardstark Talks Not Wanting Kids

This week Molly and Amanda interview Georgia Hardstark of the world famous podcast, My Favorite Murder. Georgia doesn't thinks she doesn't want kids, but like so many other women, she has her doubts. They get into the expectations, the awkwardness, the stigma, the self doubt behind it all. 

Plus - everything you ever wanted to know about hemorrhoids, hysterectomies, vasectomies, living child free, home male fertility tests and more. 


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  • All New Episodes...

    Hey folks, the good news is I'm putting out new episodes! The not so great news is that the eps are exclusively on Patreon. Sorry about that! It's all I'm comfortable with at the moment. Sign up at for just $2 a month you'll get two new episodes a month with some of your favorite returning guests (with some major developments) and new guests with their own wild stories. I hope you'll join me on Patreon! Episode one is up there now!
  • Checking In

    It's the anniversary of my loss. My termination for medical reasons. My abortion. Please share my Huffington Post piece.
  • Breaktime

    01:59||Season 4
    I'm takin' a wee break. I'll be back before you know it.
  • 18. My Nana, Jeanne Sharp

    43:00||Season 4, Ep. 18
    My wonderful Nana.
  • 17. Got Milk? with Julie Bouchet Horwitz

    52:04||Season 4, Ep. 17
    This week Molly talks with the fabulous Executive Director of the NY Milk Bank, Julie Bouchet Horwitz. We hear all about what lead Julie to become a board certified nurse practitioner and lactation consultant and finally, to co-create the NY Milk Bank. We learn about her international adoption, breastfeeding an adopted child, how the milk is screened and pasteurized, who donates milk and who needs milk. It's really fascinating. Plus, of course, Molly fills you in on her ups and downs.Check out the NY Milk BankFollow the NY Milk Bank on InstagramFollow the NY Milk Bank on FacebookFollow the NY Milk Bank on TwitterJulie in Mothering MagazineSubscribe to help support the podcast with $$$? VenMo Molly-HawkeyWant to vent? Need an ear? Email Molly at for fertility consultations. Check out the SpermCast WebsiteGot questions? Call or text 323-741-1818 or email Molly at
  • 16. Two Ladies Crying

    59:00||Season 4, Ep. 16
    Do you like it when two grown women break into tears on and off for an hour? Then you’re gonna love this episode! Molly talks with new friend, Jami Rudofsky, all about fostering-to-adopt as a single lady. The rough parts. The incredible parts. The private parts. Jk. I wish. No private parts.lus Molly tries to explain her complicated genetic testing results.
  • 15. My Midwife

    58:34||Season 4, Ep. 15
    Molly's midwife Robin, who helped her through her TFMR in December, is retiring after 44 years of bringing babies into this world.Robin is a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM). She graduated from Columbia University with a bachelor’s degree in nursing 1977, and from SUNY Downstate Midwifery School in 1985. Thanks to years as a labor and delivery nurse, early contacts with pioneers in obstetrics as well as her own experience as a midwife, Robin has witnessed, and contributed to profound advancements in how women give birth.
  • 14. "Why Don't You Just Adopt?"

    01:00:49||Season 4, Ep. 14
    Molly's ready to start exploring her options for the future. So this week she talks with new friend, Katy Finn, a NY based adoptive mom to two boys, and gets the inside scoop on adoption. We learn about the family triad, transracial adoption, open adoption, home study, adoption language, money money money money, and cheese caves.If you've ever shared about your struggle to get pregnant, chances are you've been asked "why don't you just adopt"? As if it was easy. The truth is, the word just does not belong before the word adoption. You don't just decide to adopt and then go home with a baby. There's paperwork, advertising, legal fees, medical bills, home studies, tens of thousands of dollars and waiting. Lots and lots of waiting.Katy's blog: Our Family TriadKaty's InstagramSubscribe to help support the podcast with $$$? VenMo Molly-HawkeyWant to vent? Need an ear? Email Molly at for fertility consultations. Check out the SpermCast WebsiteGot questions? Call or text 323-741-1818 or email Molly at
  • 13. TFMR: Kate's Story

    01:02:37||Season 4, Ep. 13
    Molly speaks with Kate Carson, who helps run the Ending a Wanted Pregnancy support group, whose TFMR story has been shared on the senate floor as well as across multiple publications (links below) and who helps relieve the suffering of women around the world with the warmth and insight of her kind words.Yahoo NewsElleUSA TodayActivism for Planned ParenthoodSubscribe to help support the podcast with $$$? VenMo Molly-HawkeyWant to vent? Need an ear? Email Molly at for fertility consultations. Check out the SpermCast WebsiteGot questions? Call or text 323-741-1818 or email Molly at