SPECIAL: The most bingeable TV series of all time

Guys, 2020 has thrown us the ultimate curveball. While everything in life right now is scary and unsure, all we can do is look on the bright side of life and lighten the load! So, welcome to the first of a special series of episodes which will help entertain you during your self-isolation. Kicking things off is a quick Married At First Sight catch up and then we discuss the most bingeable TV shows of all time. In order to qualify for our list, the show must be a complete series, as in the finale has aired, and must contain a significant number of episodes and seasons. What’s your favourite bingeable season of all time???

Rate, review, subscribe and we’ll give you a shout out next episode!

Also follow us on Insta and slip into our DMs here: @realtalkwithhollyandali OR here: @aliwhittle_ AND here: @hollynrichards


Watch Married At First Sight here https://www.9now.com.au/married-at-first-sight 

Do yourself a favour and follow Martha on Instagram here Martha Kalifatidis (@marthaa__k)

Listen to our episode with Martha here https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/exclusive-former-mafs-star-martha-calls-this-years/id1440447506?i=1000468278352

Read about the latest from the Ines and Jessica V Martha feud here https://www.who.com.au/married-at-first-sight-ines-basic-jess-power-martha-kalifatidis-instagram-fight-explained

Most bingeable shows of all time….

The Simpsons https://www.disneyplus.com/en-gb/series/the-simpsons/3ZoBZ52QHb4x?pid=AssistantSearch

Friends https://www.stan.com.au/watch/friends-1994?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_JOA-v2n6AIVxCMrCh0bjwxNEAAYASAAEgKLc_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Gilmore Girls https://www.netflix.com/au/title/70155618

Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life https://www.netflix.com/au/title/80109415

The Good Wife https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0Q383BXIL01XQUQ0YI5U0LZFV0/ref=atv_sr_def_c_unkc__1_1_1?sr=1-1&pageTypeIdSource=ASIN&pageTypeId=B075SQM54J&qid=1584670788

Will & Grace https://www.stan.com.au/watch/will-and-grace

Breaking Bad

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