
cover art for Diamond Topics With Greg Rodriguez - Life Is A Thinking Man's Game & We Play To Win

Office Of The Day With Mark Anthony

Diamond Topics With Greg Rodriguez - Life Is A Thinking Man's Game & We Play To Win

Season 1, Ep. 15

Meeting Greg Rodriguez, true dream chaser after this episode and driving out to get some extra inspiration. Mr Rodriguez, got me fired up. This man is really chasing his dream everyday against all odds. It really does go a long way having a big heart and my G does. We go over self evaluation, self creation, self appreciation. But most importantly looking out for others, even the people you don't know. Not always are you able to do this because SELF comes first. However with that said, we both were taught and had instilled in our brain since we were children that it is our duty to help people. It has always been bigger than us. Our dreams, our aspirations, ultimately from our experience; it is time to change this world. Many of you feel the same, so go take MA$$IVE ACTION ON IT! Please drop the excuses that you have. The only real excuse you have is you not taking decisive strategic action. Greg Rodriguez is the epitome of being resilient and not giving up. I admire how he goes out of his way to put on his instagram story that if you are feeling down, send him a message. Many people won't even hear you out when you are going through crazy things...sometimes that is really all you need. Huge part from Greg [ Precision ] Rodriguez on the way. Keep an eye out because it is going to be crazy. Thanks for showing me the quick preview...

Energy is crazy, Be careful who you surround yourself with.

"I know everything, I know that I do not know everything and need to keep learning and keep growing." 

-Mr. Gray - 6th Grade Teacher - John Marshall Fundamental

Office Of The Day - We Delegate.

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    Focus on what you can control, Focus on shifting your perspective.You know what to do, just take some time to breathe and get back to work. If it feels like too much, and overwhelming remember this is what is required.I believe in you! Keep going. Keep your eyes on the prize.@PasadenasWolf @OfficeOfTheDayMA
  • 13. Never Quit

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    Discipline over desire. Things are going to go wrong all the time, find solutions. Take massive action. Forget about what is out of your control and focus on what you can do to fix what is in your control. Be grateful.Love you Mommy, Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing Mother's. God loves you. God loves roofers.Working today for a better tomorrow.
  • 12. May The Lord Be With You

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    Embrace the fact that God loves you. I strongly believe it is valuable to lead your life with gratitude. Be the best person you can be, be kind, be loving, help others. Enrich others to enrich yourself. You can only go so far on your own, but with God you can go places you can not even comprehend. Dare to be different, dare to be loving, dare to help whenever you can. You know who you are deep in your heart, drop the fear. You know what to do, all strong suggestions only, live the life you want. Discipline over Desire. Smart work and prayer works.All Glory To God 🤲🏾
  • 11. Expect Great Outcomes

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    Expect great outcomes, understand you will not always be perfect. Walk into your purpose by taking the time to ask yourself the hard questions. Have you ever considered all the negative limitations you put on yourself? Be willing to take a deep look in the mirror and figure out what you want out of life. Write it down, and be willing to be insanley optimistic. People will judge you no matter what you do.Focus on you. Focus on your greatness. Focus on what you can control.Focus on your mindset. Manifest, Take action. Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.”Be willing to walk into your purpose, Be a good person. I dare you to get out of your comfort zone this week. @PasadenasWolf
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  • 9. Embrace Your Inner Child's Fearless Spirit

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    Create the world that you would like to live in. Be fearless and understand you are stronger than you can even imagine. Wake up everyday and tell yourself you are going on a field trip!Remember how excited you would get on field trip days? Channel that energy and be grateful. Socials @PasadenasWolf
  • 8. Life Is A Long Term Game, Become Amazing With Your Aim

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    Create the life you want to live. Get out of your comfort zone this week. Social Media abbreviates to Super Manipulative. Focus on you, focus on the life you want to create. But you have to truly believe it. Then go get it. You got this. @PasadenasWolf - All Platforms
  • 7. Endure The Pain Life Is A Long Term Game

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    Focus on what you can control, everything that is outside of that forget it. We feel the happiest when we are chasing our dreams, attack it, attract it, but most importantly believe it. I believe words are powerful so watch the self talk. Imagine your ideal self, be specific, see it, then reverse engineer it and execute. Sending love and hope your way. I believe in you.
  • 6. If You Can Believe It, You Can Achieve It

    08:43||Season 24, Ep. 6
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