
cover art for Coronavirus: Stay In and Reach Out

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text

Coronavirus: Stay In and Reach Out

Season 6

Friends, these are scary times and things have been feeling rather uncertain for us at Not Sorry Productions! So much of our revenue is based on travel for pilgrimages and live shows, and we’ve already had to postpone one pilgrimage and cancel two live events. If you want to support us, and have the means, we would be so grateful if you consider becoming a member of our Patreon. We’re doing a lot of number crunching right now, and any amount of support goes a long way towards protecting our staff. And if you sign up now or increase your membership, we’ll read your name at the end of an episode! 

We’ll keep you posted as we figure out what the future of our little podcast company is. We are brainstorming ways to better support you, our community, during this very anxiety producing time. In the meantime, please please take care of yourselves! So many people are feeling very alone in this time of social distancing. Remember to reach out to those you love, take deep breaths, and eat a lot of ice cream. We’ll be back on Thursday with the last chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

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  • Harry Potter and the Sacred Text: Series Trailer

    03:50||Season 9
    Welcome to Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, a podcast by Not Sorry Productions!Learn more at
  • Commitment: The Boy Who Lived (Book 1, Chapter 1)

    25:16||Season 1
    In the premiere episode of Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, Casper and Vanessa talk about why they are starting this project and analyze the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone through the theme of commitment. 
  • Loneliness: The Vanishing Glass (Book 1, Chapter 2)

    30:11||Season 1
    Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of loneliness in chapter two of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They discuss the Dursleys' parenting choices, the significance of numbers, and the birthday blues. A small correction: In this week’s epsiode, Vanessa says that the letters for chai are יה (yud hay), when they are actually חי (chet yud).
  • Fear: The Letters From No One (Book 1, Chapter 3)

    26:09||Season 1
    Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of fear in chapter three of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They discuss Vernon Dursley's illusion of control, the psychology of bullies, and climate change. 
  • Generosity: The Keeper of the Keys (Book 1, Chapter 4)

    25:43||Season 1
    Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of generosity in chapter four of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Casper demonstrates his excellent Hagrid impression and Vanessa addresses whether we can or should empathize with the Dursleys. 
  • Being a Stranger: Diagon Alley (Book 1, Chapter 5)

    28:50||Season 1
    Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of "being a stranger" in chapter five of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They discuss hefty ideas like consumerist culture in the wizarding world, Hagrid's status as an outsider, and mentorship. 
  • Expectations: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters (Book 1, Chapter 6)

    25:17||Season 1
    Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of expectations in chapter six of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They discuss Harry and Ron's budding friendship, the unusual bravery of Scabbers the rat, and how our bodily practices relate to our spiritual experience. 
  • Vulnerability: The Sorting Hat (Book 1, Chapter 7)

    26:22||Season 1
    Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of vulnerability in chapter seven of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They discuss how Harry’s experience with the sorting hat teaches us to reclaim our own narratives after trauma, and extend blessings both to know-it-all Hermione and know-nothing Neville.*NB: Vanessa’s opening story is about sexual assault. If you want to skip it, the 30-second recap starts about 5 minutes into the episode. *
  • Promises: The Potions Master (Book 1, Chapter 8)

    28:06||Season 1
    Vanessa and Casper explore the theme of promises in chapter eight of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They discuss tropes in bad 80s tv shows, Harry's reaction to his own fame, and Hermione's destiny to smash the patriarchy.