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Real life, true crime, supernatural: a comedy-chat podcast hosted by Geordie & Michelle

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  • 11. STRANGE STUFF: The Pascagoula Alien Abduction, Stonehenge, military UFO encounters, telepathy and more!

    01:03:07||Season 6, Ep. 11
    On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie and Michelle look at aliens, UFOs and more...On October 11 1973, Charlie Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing on the Pascagoula River. They claim they were abducted by aliens and subjected to tests by creepy looking aliens with elephant skin. Since then, the pair’s story has been met with scepticism, but in recent months, three new witnesses have come forward to back their story, with new reports of alien experimentation – and claims that aliens are walking among us. Listen to hear the full story!Michelle follows with various stories including UFO Con: Contact In The Desert, military encounters with UFOs, Anna Paulina Luna’s thoughts on alien whistleblowers, Stonehenge and a new phallic stone, telepathy and how we can all do it, new telepathic findings and more. Listen now!So pop on your headphones, grab a brown lemonade and join Geordie & Michelle for this week’s episode, plus chit-chat about Cold Chisel, mushrooms, Chris Hemsworth and more, only on Eavesdroppin’ podcast. And remember, wherever you are, whatever you do, just keep Eavesdroppin’! *Disclaimer: We don’t claim to have any factual info about anything ever and our opinions are just opinions not fact, sooorrrryyy! Don’t sue us! Please rate, review, tell your friends and subscribe in all the usual places – we love it when you do! Support us on Patreon: write in with your stories at or send us a Voice Note!Listen: or #aliens #alienabduction #UFOs #UAPs #stonehenge #contactinthedesert #telepathy #eavesdroppin #eavesdroppinpodcast #eavesdroppincomedypodcast #podcast #comedy

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  • 10. HEY GIRL: The backstory of Carrie, plus Fred the Pontefract Poltergeist

    52:43||Season 6, Ep. 10
    On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie and Michelle look at teenage girls and supernatural stuff...When Stephen King first began writing the book-turned-horror-film Carrie, he thought it was a load of garbage. Listen now to find out how Carrie made it out of the bin and onto the bestseller list, the backstory of the characters and his inspiration for having a teenaged girl with telekinesis.Geordie follows with a look at an off-radar Yorkshire haunting... When the Pritchard family moved into 30 East Drive, Pontefract in 1974, they had no idea that a violent monk poltergeist called Fred would terrorise their lives. Listen now to find out what happened to the family!So pop on your headphones, grab a brown lemonade and join Geordie & Michelle for this week’s episode, plus chit-chat about The White Lotus, Arnie's son and drunken cab rides, only on Eavesdroppin’ podcast. And remember, wherever you are, whatever you do, just keep Eavesdroppin’! *Disclaimer: We don’t claim to have any factual info about anything ever and our opinions are just opinions not fact, sooorrrryyy! Don’t sue us! Please rate, review, tell your friends and subscribe in all the usual places – we love it when you do! Support us on Patreon: write in with your stories at or send us a Voice Note!Listen: or #carrie #stephenking #haunting #pontefractpoltergeist #eavesdroppin #eavesdroppinpodcast #eavesdroppincomedypodcast #podcast #comedy
  • 9. MISSING: What happened to Mary Day? Plus, whose skeleton is that in the woods?

    55:53||Season 6, Ep. 9
    On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie and Michelle look at two missing persons cases with a twist… In 1981, 13 year old Mary Louise Day disappeared without a trace. Her parents told her sisters that Mary had run away from home, but Mary was never reported missing by her parents and according to them, Mary never made contact again with her family. Twenty two years later, Mary's sister, Sherrie, wanted answers and finally reported Mary missing. What happened next was a bizarre set of circumstances that has left police and the public confounded to this day as to what REALLY happened to Mary. Listen now to find out more about this strange case!Geordie follows with a story of trail-cam footage, a missing backpack and a skeleton found in a forest that remains, as of the time of this recording, unidentified. What makes this case even more strange is that this all happened in 2022, but the details of the case only came to light in 2024. No media attention, no news reports and, if not for a handful of Reddit sleuths, this case might never have seen the light of day. With speculation around the identity of the skeleton, the public is wondering, is the skeleton that of missing Bullhead City Arizona woman, Amber Rae Johnston? Listen now to know more...So pop on your headphones, grab a brown lemonade and join Geordie & Michelle for this week’s episode, plus chit-chat about Charlize Theron and what the heck is she doing in Canberra, charity shopping and more telly recs, only on Eavesdroppin’ podcast. And remember, wherever you are, whatever you do, just keep Eavesdroppin’! *Disclaimer: We don’t claim to have any factual info about anything ever and our opinions are just opinions not fact, sooorrrryyy! Don’t sue us! Please rate, review, tell your friends and subscribe in all the usual places – we love it when you do! Support us on Patreon: write in with your stories at or send us a Voice Note!Listen: or #maryday #missingnotmissing #amberraejohnston #AprilReid #eavesdroppin #eavesdroppinpodcast #eavesdroppincomedypodcast #podcast #comedy
  • 8. SLAP ME UP: The killer slapping cult Paida Ladjin, plus the 12 Tribes cult & the Yellow Deli dilemma

    57:57||Season 6, Ep. 8
    On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie and Michelle look at two cults with very different agendas… Can you slap yourself to health? When Hongchi Xiao quit his life as a successful banker to instead spread the word as a guru of alternative therapy, Paida Lajin, people flocked to his workshops. Essentially, you slap yourself hard which removes the illnesses of your body to encourage healing and health. Except Xiao told diabetics to bin their medicine and keep slapping away, with tragic consequences. Listen now to find out more about this medical cult, what happened to some of his devotees and where Xiao is now…Would you eat at a cult café? The Yellow Deli in Katoomba, Australia, has a fantastic reputation for delicious food in a lovely atmosphere – but the proceeds fund an international cult called The 12 Tribes, which supports severe child discipline and female subordination. Listen now to learn more about the cult and why that Yellow Deli sandwich might leave a sour taste in your mouth…So pop on your headphones, grab a brown lemonade and join Geordie & Michelle for this week’s episode, plus chit-chat about The White Lotus, the new Mogwai album and more, only on Eavesdroppin’ podcast. And remember, wherever you are, whatever you do, just keep Eavesdroppin’! *Disclaimer: We don’t claim to have any factual info about anything ever and our opinions are just opinions not fact, sooorrrryyy! Don’t sue us! Please rate, review, tell your friends and subscribe in all the usual places – we love it when you do! Support us on Patreon: write in with your stories at or send us a Voice Note!Listen: or #yellowdeli #12tribes #paidalajin #slappingtherapy #katoomba #HongchiXiao #medicalnegligence #eavesdroppin #eavesdroppinpodcast #eavesdroppincomedypodcast #podcast #comedy
  • 7. SCAMS & SCANDALS: Fake psychic Lamar Keene, plus music-industry scandals and conspiracies: Boyzone, Diddy, Beyonce and more...

    59:18||Season 6, Ep. 7
    On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie and Michelle look at a fake psychic and music-industry scandals and conspiracies… If you wanted to speak to a loved one who had passed to the other side in 1970s America, you might have sought the services of Reverend Lamar Keene. He and his partner ‘Raoul’ had a devoted following of spiritualists who believed Lamar was a genuine conduit to the spirit world. Turns out he was a total fake! Listen now to hear Michelle’s look at Lamar’s life and lies (thank you, BBC, for the excellent podcast Fake Psychic!) – and his ties to what he called a Psychic Mafia…Geordie follows with a look at the pressures of the music industry starting with BoyZone and Ronan Keating, which comes off the back of a newly released documentary about the boyband. What she uncovers is an uncomfortable reality that includes toxic press, unscrupulous managers, scandals, homophobia – alongside tangents that include Taylor Swift being an agent for the devil, P Diddy, Beyonce, She Knows, conspiracy theories, baby groupies and more. Listen now!So pop on your headphones, grab a brown lemonade and join Geordie & Michelle for this week’s episode, plus chit-chat about the 80s, telly recs and more, only on Eavesdroppin’ podcast. And remember, wherever you are, whatever you do, just keep Eavesdroppin’! *Disclaimer: We don’t claim to have any factual info about anything ever and our opinions are just opinions not fact, sooorrrryyy! Don’t sue us! Please rate, review, tell your friends and subscribe in all the usual places – we love it when you do! Support us on Patreon: write in with your stories at or send us a Voice Note!Listen: or #fakepsychic #psychicmafia #boyzone #ronankeating #taylorswift #musicindustry #diddy #beyonce #eavesdroppin #eavesdroppinpodcast #eavesdroppincomedypodcast #podcast #comedy
  • 6. THE AMAZON REVIEW KILLER: The Todd Kohlhepp case

    57:34||Season 6, Ep. 6
    On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie looks at a serial killer who loved writing creepy Amazon product reviews...For years, no one had a clue that there was something not right with South Carolina real-estate mogul Todd Kohlhepp. Yes, he watched porn at work; yes, he wrote creepy product reviews on Amazon, but no one could have predicted that this supposedly upstanding citizen was actually a mentally disturbed serial killer with a 15 year prison sentence for violent sexual offences under his belt. So how does a calculating serial killer operate in a community in plain sight? Geordie deep dives this week into the life of Todd Kohlhepp, whose life as a successful businessman masked a secret double life as a sadistic killer.So pop on your headphones, grab a brown lemonade and join Geordie & Michelle for this week’s episode, plus chit-chat about mushrooms, memory and more, only on Eavesdroppin’ podcast. And remember, wherever you are, whatever you do, just keep Eavesdroppin’! *Disclaimer: We don’t claim to have any factual info about anything ever and our opinions are just opinions not fact, sooorrrryyy! Don’t sue us! Please rate, review, tell your friends and subscribe in all the usual places – we love it when you do! Support us on Patreon: write in with your stories at or send us a Voice Note!Listen: or #serialkiller #amazonreviewkiller #murder #eavesdroppin #eavesdroppinpodcast #eavesdroppincomedypodcast #podcast #comedy
  • 5. MY BOYFRIEND IS A SERIAL KILLER: The Delia Balmer & John Sweeney story

    01:01:59||Season 6, Ep. 5
    On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie & Michelle look at an under-the-radar British serial killer...When John Sweeney asked Delia Balmer if he could buy her a drink in a Camden pub back in London, 1991, Delia accepted the drink then moved on with her life. A chance meeting between the pair a few months later led to romance, with John quickly moving into Delia's council flat. Little did Delia know that she was living with a serial killer. This week, Michelle dives into the true-life story behind the hit ITV series Until I Kill You and discovers a shocking story of manipulation and betrayal. Listen now to hear Delia's story of how she survived a brutal axe attack at the hands of her boyfriend, 'Scalp Hunter' John Sweeney and what happened next...So pop on your headphones, grab a brown lemonade and join Geordie & Michelle for this week’s episode, plus chit-chat about a NEW hot postie, a Brad Pitt love scam and more, only on Eavesdroppin’ podcast. And remember, wherever you are, whatever you do, just keep Eavesdroppin’! *Disclaimer: We don’t claim to have any factual info about anything ever and our opinions are just opinions not fact, sooorrrryyy! Don’t sue us! Please rate, review, tell your friends and subscribe in all the usual places – we love it when you do! Support us on Patreon: write in with your stories at or send us a Voice Note!Listen: or #serialkiller #johnsweeney #untilikillyou #britishserialkiller #murder #eavesdroppin #eavesdroppinpodcast #eavesdroppincomedypodcast #podcast #comedy