
cover art for Targy's Tavern in Queen Anne

Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks

Targy's Tavern in Queen Anne

Season 1, Ep. 9

Recorded live at Targy's Tavern in upper Queen Anne, where monocles and top-hats rule. The hills around here are so steep you'll need...horses. Targy's opened in 1934 which is the "golden year" of dive bars in Seattle. We barely get through the door before the staff threatens to beat us up. Okay not really but the history of Targy's pretty much defines dive bar lore with stories of rowdy barkeeps, illegal gambling, and i-drink-alone debauchery. Whatcha Drinkin segment includes a bit of whatcha eatin because we sneaked in a pizza. Beer, pizza, and bougie chrome draught handles. Recorded live at Targy's Tavern on 02/03/2022.

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  • 14. Merchants Cafe Redux

    29:47||Season 4, Ep. 14
    Join the DLSD crew as we say farewell to the Merchants Cafe...sorta. In this episode we go over some history and hear the tales of Molly Malone and more! Vicious rumors of the demise of Merchants are way overblown so we do what any dive bar patron would do, we go along with it. Egg's on our face! Recorded live at Merchants Cafe on 12/30/2024. Follow the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe! Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head over to our Patreon page (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 13. Baba Yaga in Pioneer Square

    48:17||Season 4, Ep. 13
    This Pioneer Square music and drinking establishment opened less than a year ago, but we're giving Baba Yaga a free pass because the building it occupies has so much Seattle dive bar history. Plus, Baba Yaga is just dripping with all the dive bar vibes we love. Join the crew as we explore dive bars past, present, and future in this historic 1890's Pioneer Square landmark. To keep it real, we're joined by the Prince of Pioneer Square himself, Lloyd Gregory. Recorded live at Baba Yaga on 10/17/2024.Learn more about the Pioneer Square Summer Fest, markets, and meetups at Follow the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe!Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head over to our Patreon page (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 12. Murphy's Pub in Wallingford

    19:19||Season 4, Ep. 12
    Special episode! Historic Wallingford turns Murphy's Pub into a roaring '20s style speakeasy. Celebrating Wallingford and Murphy's rich history in the best way possible: decked out in 1920s prohibition attire and drinking hootch on the down-low. The DLSD crew (well, 2/3 of the crew) was there for the live music, charity auction, and old fashioned speakeasy fun. Recorded live at Murphy's Pub on 09/22/2024.Learn more about the Historic Wallingford non-profit organization at their website ( the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe!Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head over to our Patreon page (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 11. Cyclops Cafe in Belltown

    01:24:26||Season 4, Ep. 11
    Special guest artist Two Thangs, aka Matthew Brennan, joins us at Cyclops in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle.Two Thangs is the creative force behind a large collection of mural art around Seattle, along with an impressive portfolio of dual-icon-themed masshups. Two Thangs tells us stories of Betty Page, Divine, vandalism, feminists, and how paralegals make the best artists. Recorded live at Cyclops Cafe and Lounge on 08/29/2024.Learn more about the artist Two Thangs and buy a bolo tie at Follow the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe!Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head over to our Patreon page (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 10. Marco Polo Saloon in Georgetown

    43:14||Season 4, Ep. 10
    The sign out front says Saloon but we've been told Georgetown's Marco Polo is actually a Bar & Grill. We like the sound of saloon better but we won't turn away from a good bar. And grill reminds us to not miss the famous broasted chicken at Marco Polo. If you don't know what broasted is then you'll definitely need to listen in because we not only talk about the history of the great Marco Polo saloon/bar & grill, we also get into the history of how KFC totally ripped off the the Broaster Company's revolutionary chicken perfecting technology. Recorded live at Marco Polo Bar & Grill on 08/08/2024.Follow the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe!Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head on over to our Patreon (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) page to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 9. Parkway Tavern in Tacoma

    01:22:31||Season 4, Ep. 9
    Special episode! We partner with Shea and Jody from the Rainy Day Rabbit Holes podcast to bring a big ol' heaping helping of PNW history. We get in to Tacoma's salacious backstories, blowing glass (not to be confused with glassblowing), Surf x Surfwest music festivals, and we ponder the size of Sasquatch's junk. All this conversational goodness happens at the fantastic Parkway Bar & Grill Tavern mere days from their 89th anniversary. Shea and Jody are Tacoma homies so we head down south from Seattle to check out one of Western Washington's most iconic drinking establishments. Where's Tacoma? Google it. Recorded live at Parkway Tavern on 07/21/2024.Learn more about Shea and Jody's awesome podcast Rainy Day Rabbit Holes: Pacific Northwest History and Humor ( the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe!Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head on over to our Patreon (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) page to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 8. The Tin Hat in Ballard

    44:33||Season 4, Ep. 8
    Is it Ballard or Phinney Ridge? Does Rainier taste better on draft or in tall-boys? Can you still find smokin' deals at your local thrift shop? Listen to this episode from The Tin Hat to find out. With all the tasty micros on tap you might think this is a snooty hipster bar, but fear not! Dive runs deep at The Hat and you can still Flatline. You just can't get a $1 hot dog unless you're a secret Stonecutter member. Recorded live at The Tin Hat Bar & Grill on 05/30/2024.Follow the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe!Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head on over to our Patreon (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) page to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 7. Eastlake Zoo 50th Anniversary

    49:04||Season 4, Ep. 7
    Has it really been 2 1/2 years and 3 DLSD seasons since we've recorded at the Zoo? And has it really been 50 years since a bunch of hippies bought a bar just so they'd have a place for the softball team to drink for free? Yup. In this very special episode, we join the Zoo crew to celebrate their 50th anniversary. But the history doesn't stop at [checks sliderule] 1974 because these dive bar vibes go all the way back to 1934 - even earlier if you wanna shop a convenience store. Recorded live at Eastlake Zoo Tavern on 05/16/2024.Follow the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe!Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head on over to our Patreon (dim_lights_stiff_drinks) page to help fund the shenanigans.
  • 6. North Shore Pub in Kenmore

    50:59||Season 4, Ep. 6
    Recorded live at North Shore Pub on 05/01/2024. Follow the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast on Facebook (DLandSD), Twitter (@divebarsseattle), YouTube, and Instagram (seattle_dive_bar_podcast). Share, like, follow, and subscribe! Check out the Dim Lights & Stiff Drinks podcast website ( for more details and additional episodes. And head on over to our Patreon page to help fund the shenanigans.