
We are moved by the words expressed by members of the tango community who have found in our events space for deep presence and connection.

"There is a rhythm in the flow that's come out of your groups, which is fascinating", Patricia Nunn, tango teacher and psychotherapist.

"We are starved for connection, communication... and a talk like this... you kind of want to hold onto it", Veronica Toumanova, tango teacher.

"It's been wonderful... to be able to reflect, analyze and make contact with other people", Madeline Lees, community leader.

"I feel like the depth's brought to the surface. These conversations are so inspiring", Alla Petcheniouk, tango dancer.

Thank you.

We are announcing again this COURSE:

Beyond the Surface: tango and the art of communication that brings us closer.

Learn what will be covered:

Organized by Dance in Conversation

with Ieva Kelpsaite and Sergio Acosta

The course starts on 15 Sep 2021

Early bird offer ends on 31 Aug 2021

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.