
cover art for 10 minute Guided Meditation - Deep Breathing

Bliss Meditations

10 minute Guided Meditation - Deep Breathing

Ep. 5

In this 10 minute guided meditation I'll share how deep breathing practices

can influence your autonomic nervous system, relax your body, and improve your immune system.

Your breath is the only thing you control, enabling you to proactively affect your "involuntary nervous system." Also known as the 'autonomic' nervous system.

Deep breathing techniques to decrease the sympathetic nervous system and increase the parasympathetic nervous system is important.


Because when the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, your breathing is fast, short, and shallow.

And believed to be the major contributor to migraines.

And chronic pain of all kinds.

When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated,

you breathe slower, deeper, and longer.

Restoring balance to your system and optimizing your health. Your goal in breath-work is to change your breathing qualities, and focus on making your breath deeper,

longer, quieter, regular, and slower as often as possible.

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  • 24. Sending out compassionate thoughts

    09:35||Ep. 24
    In this guided mindfulness meditation we will be sending out compassionate thoughts. We will send forth kind and compassionate thoughts during this guided mindfulness meditation practice as we discuss how mindfulness and meditation can increase our compassion for other people and all living things. In this video, we'll lead you through a tranquil meditation that will help you connect with your inner self and gain a better appreciation for other people. By practicing mindfulness, we can develop the ability to objectively examine our thoughts and feelings, which can help us better comprehend both ourselves and other people.By enabling us to let go of unfavorable ideas and feelings and concentrate on the present, meditation can also aid in the development of compassion. We can learn to let go of biases and judgments as we still our brains and concentrate on our breathing. We can also learn to open our hearts to the pain of others. By cultivating compassion, we can enhance our interpersonal interactions, lessen tension and anxiety, and live happier lives.So sit back, unwind, and allow us to lead you on a path to empathy, kindness and loving understanding. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this meditation is appropriate for you. Don't forget to treat yourself well and let go of any expectations. Allow the meditation to guide you in the right direction. Namaste---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 23. Self Compassion Breathing Exercise

    10:05||Ep. 23
    In this guided meditation we practice a self compassion breathing exercise. You'll learn the benefits of self-compassion and how a simple breathing exercise can help increase it. Self-compassion is the act of being kind and understanding towards oneself, especially during difficult times. By learning to be more compassionate towards ourselves, we can improve our overall well-being and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.The breathing exercise we will be focusing on is called 'compassionate breathing.' This technique involves taking a deep breath in through the nose, and then exhaling through the mouth while silently repeating the phrase "I love myself with each breath that I take". ' As you repeat this phrase, imagine sending compassion and understanding to yourself.Try incorporating this breathing exercise into your daily meditation practice. Start by setting aside just a few minutes each day to sit comfortably and focus on your breath. As you become more comfortable with the technique, you can gradually increase the amount of time you spend on the exercise. Remember to be patient and kind with yourself as you learn to be more self-compassionate.Self-compassion is a powerful tool that can help us improve our mental and emotional well-being. By incorporating this breathing exercise into your meditation practice, you can learn to be more kind and understanding towards yourself, and in turn, improve your overall well-being.---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 22. Tune in to the things you like about yourself

    09:19||Ep. 22
    Welcome to this guided meditation where we tune in to the things you like about yourself. In today's world, it can be easy to fall prey to negative messages and self-doubt. But it's crucial to remember that we are all worthy and deserving of love and respect, and it starts with learning to appreciate and value ourselves.This meditation is designed to help you cultivate self-awareness and a deeper appreciation for your unique qualities and strengths. By taking the time to focus on the things you like about yourself, you can cultivate greater self-worth and self-acceptance, leading to a greater sense of peace and happiness within yourself.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced meditator, this session is suitable for all levels. Take some time for yourself and join us as we explore the power of self-love and appreciation. By optimizing our minds for positivity and self-acceptance, we can lead a more fulfilling and joyful life.---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 21. Meditation to acknowledge the similarities between ourselves and others

    08:14||Ep. 21
    Guided meditation is a powerful tool that can help us acknowledge the similarities between ourselves and others. This practice involves focusing on the present moment and our own inner experiences, often through the use of techniques such as deep breathing and visualization. By doing so, we can begin to see that we are all connected and share similar feelings, thoughts, and desires.For example, when we meditate on feelings of love and compassion, we may realize that these emotions are universal and experienced by all people, regardless of their background or circumstances. We may also come to understand that we all face similar challenges and struggles, and that we all have the capacity to overcome them.Through this realization, we can cultivate a sense of understanding and empathy for ourselves and others, leading to more harmonious relationships and a greater sense of unity and belonging in the world. In fact, research has shown that meditation can lead to increased feelings of social connectedness and prosocial behavior, as well as reduced levels of aggression and prejudice.In addition to its psychological benefits, meditation has also been linked to physical health benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep, and increased immune function. Overall, incorporating guided meditation into our daily lives can be a powerful way to acknowledge and appreciate the commonalities we share with others, leading to a greater sense of unity and well-being for ourselves and the world around us.---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 20. Learn to concentrate your mind

    10:26||Ep. 20
    In this guided meditation you'll earn to concentrate your mind. Concentration allows us to think more clearly and deeply.”When you first start practicing, you may find the mind wandering quite a bit. Concentration practice helps you train the mind to focus by giving it something to do. Like mindfulness, this takes time.When the mind wanders, you bring it back.Over time, the mind will learn to focus and let go of distracting thoughts on its own.Researchers at the Columbia University Medical Center claim meditating can change the structure and function of the brain through relaxation, which can: Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Increase focus and learning concentration. Improve memory and attention span.Concentration meditation can be practiced most anytime. You can train yourself to live in the moment and become aware of thoughts as they come and go. Consider carrying out your everyday activities mindfully. When you eat, for instance, try to feel the texture and flavor of your food as you chew and note the different sensations present in your body. There’s an awful lot going on there – the whole mouth is involved, salivary glands are activated, lots of muscles are involved in chewing and swallowing, and so on. Don’t do anything else! No listening to the radio, making a shopping list, checking your emails or reading the news. Just eat, and know that you’re eating. Use the act of eating or engaging in other activities to develop your concentration by remaining one-pointedly focused on the task at hand.---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 19. How to build confidence in social settings and meeting new people

    12:47||Ep. 19
    In this guided meditation we will go over how you can build confidence in social settings and when meeting new people. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by social anxiety, meditation could help you gain a sense of calm.When you’re around others, you might feel like you’re constantly performing, trying to avoid saying the wrong thing or behaving the wrong way. Fear of humiliation might cause you to avoid social situations, which can create feelings of isolation and shame.It’s also manageable. Many people use therapy, medication, or a combo of the two to reduce their symptoms. But these approaches may not be the right fit for everyone and take some time to work. Not to mention, talk therapy in particular can be challenging when you live with social anxiety.You can use self-help and self-care techniques to help relieve some of your social anxiety symptoms in the moment.Meditation is an excellent place to start. It’s accessible — all you need is your own breath plus a few moments to yourself — and can provide powerful relief.How can meditation help with social anxiety?At its core, meditation is about making peace with your thoughts and learning to sit with them rather than trying to fight them. For this reason, it can be a useful tool if you live with social anxiety disorder.Social anxiety can cause you to be hard on yourself or assume others are thinking the worst of you.By teaching you to approach your thoughts with curiosity rather than judgment, meditation can help to improve self-image and reduce symptoms of social anxiety.Benefits of meditation for social anxiety.Research suggests that a mindfulness-based meditation practice can be as effective as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for treating social anxiety.Specifically, meditation couldTrusted Source give you more power over negative self-beliefs, such as “I’m not normal” or “I’m socially awkward” and help you foster self-compassion. In turn, this could reduce feelings of defensiveness around others and encourage more positive social interactions.Meditation can even change the structure of the brain in ways that appear to boost memory and learning, while decreasing anxiety and fear.How well does meditation work for social anxiety?As with any treatment, outcomes will vary from person to person, and results may not come immediately.It’s common to get frustrated early on due to trouble focusing. You might feel like you can’t quiet your thoughts when you start meditating, or even feel like you’re failing. Over time, it generally becomes easier to let your thoughts peacefully come and go.If you have social anxiety, you might find meditation:reduces the severity of your symptomsmakes social situations easier to navigatehelps you feel grounded before entering a social situationOver time, you may find your anxiety feels less overwhelming and you’re more able to recognize when anxious thoughts are out of step with reality.---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 18. Bring energy and alertness to your mind

    09:02||Ep. 18
    In this short guided meditation we explore how you can bring energy and alertness to your mind. During meditation practice, the mind can grow dull or sleepy.Getting sleepy while you meditate is fairly common. The brain waves active during meditation may be similar to those in early stages of sleep. That means it's only natural to feel a bit drowsy during your meditation from time to time.When the mind becomes free from agitation, is calm and at peace, meditation happens. By doing meditation, you can turn your body into a powerhouse by generating an inner source of energy.When we meditate or even practice mindfulness, we activate the emotional compassionate part of the brain (the prefrontal cortex). By incorporating even a simple 5-minute meditation in your day, we can begin to calm the amygdala and go from surviving to thriving. By stressing less, we get our energy back.You can incorporate these methods into your other practices, inviting clarity into your meditation.Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 17. Boost your brainwaves with this guided meditation

    09:48||Ep. 17
    Boost your brainwaves with this 10 min guided meditation. Research indicates that meditation tends to lead to an increase in the production of theta and alpha waves, which are the brain wave frequencies associated with enhanced learning abilities and overall mental well-being.Not only do research participants who practice meditation report improvements in their overall well-being after meditating, but scientists show that you can physically see relaxation-related changes happening in the brain using brain imaging technology, like electroencephalography (EEG).There are five distinct levels of frequencies your brain may be pulsing at, and each frequency level represents what type of function your brain is performing (e.g., sleeping, focusing, recalling a memory, etc.).The five brain frequency levels are:Delta (less than 4 Hz). The slowest brain wave. The brain increases delta waves during sleep to reduce awareness.Theta (3.5 to 7.5 Hz). A slow brain wave that increases when we are awake but focusing internally (e.g., daydreaming).Alpha (8t o 12 Hz). The frequency your brain reaches when it’s relaxed. The brain is alert but not actively processing information.Beta (12.5 to 30 Hz). The brain reaches this frequency when it’s alert and needs to process external information.Gamma (25 to 140 Hz). Your brain reaches this frequency range when it’s at peak concentration.During meditation, the most common frequencies an electroencephalogram (EEG) will detect are relaxed-state theta and alpha waves. And, as a result, the average levels of beta waves tend to decrease.Deep breathing and closed-eye visualization – techniques that mindfulness meditation usually employs – also boost alpha brainwaves. Besides relaxation, alpha waves may also help boost creativity and thereby act as a natural anti-depressant by promoting the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin.After practicing meditation for a long enough period, research suggests that alpha frequencies can become the brain’s dominant brain wave.Once alpha waves increased to dominant levels, the research revealed that participants of various forms of meditation and yoga practices experienced:improved sleep qualityreduction in anxiety and depressionlower stress levelsenhanced learning and memoryIn other words, habitual meditation practice can change your brain wave activity for years to come. Research indicates that meditation tends to lead to an increase in the production of theta and alpha waves, which are the brain wave frequencies associated with enhanced learning abilities and overall mental well-being.---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.If you enjoy our meditations please support this channel by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel.
  • 16. Become motivated through meditation

    11:34||Ep. 16
    In this guided meditation you'll learn how to become motivated through a mindful daily practice. Everyone experiences a lack of motivation at some point in their life. Whether you’re having a hard time finding a sense of motivation to do your laundry or work on the business pitch you’ve been thinking of, we all get into slumps. But we can all learn to identify what causes a lack of motivation in daily life and how to help ourselves get back on track.Meditation can bring about clarity and focus that renews the mind. This creates space for new ideas and inspirations from which to flourish. This can motivate us on to achieve great things, and feel more energised.Even after your first session of meditating something remarkable starts to happen in your brain.Your brain begin to slow down, reducing the amount of stimulation and information that the brain receives. We are constantly bombarded with information that all of our senses are picking up and feeding back to the brain; meditation helps to slow the information we receive to a trickle which helps us to reduce stress, induce relaxation and enhances focus and concentration.So, how can mediation help us to stay more motivated in life?Motivation can be defined as a process that guides our behaviours and actions to reach a specific outcome. It is what happens when we read a book for knowledge, when we attend seminars to learn, when we drink to quench our thirst, or start a business to become our own boss.We need that feeling of motivation to drive us forward in life, to reach our outcomes, to push our boundaries, and step outside our comfort zones in order to grow, mentally and spiritually.---Want to improve your mental health and reduce your overall stress? Subscribe to Bliss for free weekly meditations ► OrJoin on Patreon for ad-free meditations + more ► ---Bliss Meditations offers free guided mindfulness meditations. Our goal is to help you improve your health and happiness. This includes improving your sleep quality, reduce your overall stress or anxiety levels, improve your focus, creativity and productivity, and explore thoughtful self-improvement.