
cover art for Creation Testifies to God - Psalm 19

Bible Nerds

Creation Testifies to God - Psalm 19

Season 1, Ep. 1
Creation Testifies to GodTopic: God Creates

This is our first official episode of Bible Nerds. In this episode we're joined by two of our favourite people in the world: Kris Guilford and Monika Baer. Our study topic of "God Creates" took us to Psalm 19 where we learned how creation testifies to God.

Guest: Kris Guilford

Guest: Monika Baer

Host: Sam Davis

Producer: Dan Davis


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  • 6. Jesus Appears to His Disciples - Luke 24:13-35

    41:56||Season 1, Ep. 6
    Jesus Appears to His DisciplesTopic: Jesus' VictoryPassage: Luke 24:13-35In our sixth episode of Bible Nerds, I am joined by Amanda Mutio and Giancarlo Oviedo. When we first recorded this episode, they were only dating. Now, they are happily married and we are excited to share this episode with them. Amanda works with the same ministry organization Sam does, Bridges International. Amanda loves serving and reaching international students who study at NYU in New York City. Giancarlo works with Sunrise Association ( where their mission is "to bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings world-wide..."Our study topic of "Jesus' Victory" took us to Luke 24:13-35 where we studied the story of Jesus appearing to His disciples on the road to Emmaus.Guest: Amanda MutioGuest: Giancarlo OviedoHost: Sam DavisProducer: Dan DavisWWW.BIBLENERDS.ORG
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    44:32||Season 1, Ep. 5
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  • 4. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman - John 4:1-26, 39-42

    47:25||Season 1, Ep. 4
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  • 3. God's Law - Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 5:32-6:2

    01:05:22||Season 1, Ep. 3
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  • 2. No One Seeks God - Psalm 53

    24:28||Season 1, Ep. 2
    No One Seeks GodTopic: Man RebelsIn our second official episode of Bible Nerds we're joined by 3 amazing people from Melbourne, Australia: Bryan Bock, Jason Chan, and Molin Chen. Bryan and I worked together to evangelize and disciple international students in Melbourne. Jason and Molin are an amazing couple and dear friends who I met during that time, but Jason and Bryan are long-time friends.Our study topic of "Man Rebels" took us to Psalm 53 where we learned about how no one seeks God.Guest: Bryan BockGuest: Jason ChanGuest: Molin ChenHost: Sam DavisProducer: Dan DavisWWW.BIBLENERDS.ORG
  • Bible Nerds Trailer

    06:29||Season 0, Ep. 0
    In this short trailer for Bible Nerds you'll get to meet our team: Clint, Dan, and Sam. Hear how Bible Nerds got started, where we're headed, and why it might be your new Bible study podcast.-For the past decade we’ve been seeking to make Bible study fun and accessible with friends from all over the world and now we’d like you to join us. We’ve worked with ministry organizations in Illinois; Texas; Melbourne, Australia; Portland, Oregon; and in San Diego, California.In each of our episodes, we're joined by friends; ranging from expert scholars and theologians to novice Bible readers. Together we dive into a passage to find out what it says about God, about people, and about obedience to gain a better understanding of our relationship with God.Join our friends and us to find out how we can all be Bible