
Better Ideas
Ep 17 Leading Business advisor and mentor Merilyn Wilson Beretta talks working from home.
Season 1, Ep. 17
Did you know that at least 90% of businesses fail in the first few years? Leading Business advisor and mentor Merilyn Wilson Beretta explains how to be productive and what you need to make it work when you’re working from a home office. As it turns out we talk in depth about our own ‘inner office’ aka a working from home mindset.
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22. EP 22: Turn your white box of a house into your Carolyn Burns McCrave how she transformed her current home from a standard off the shelf package white box of a home into a designers dream home.Designer Carolyn Burns McCave and House Rules Mentor for seven years talks openly about what her favourite design style is and how she transformed a standard off the shelf package white box to and a designers dream home.
18:54||Season 1, Ep. 22Designer Carolyn Burns McCave and House Rules Mentor for seven years talks openly about what her favourite design style is and how she transformed a standard off the shelf package white box to and a designers dream home.21. EP 21: Summer holidays Beach Safety with Craig Riddington then Angus Rain gives us his tips for keeping the peace with the family holiday home.
20:43||Season 1, Ep. 21Summer is a long way off but its never to early learn to how to be safe in the ocean, legend Ironman and surf lifesaving hero Craig Riddington drills down on water and beach safety, and then Rain & Horne executive chairman Angus Rain gives us some practical advice for keeping the peace with the family when it comes to holiday homes.20. EP 20: Secret Passions - Ed Halmagyi talks photography
19:05||Season 1, Ep. 20Have you got a secret passion? Ed Halmagyi maybe Fast Ed in the kitchen but his other passion is photography, with a great eye behind the lens he gives his tips on making your photos “Instra” appealing and quite a few little professional hacks to get your started.19. EP 19: Art Dealer Nichola Dare from ‘Aboriginal Contemporary’ Art gallery gives us her insight to buying Aboriginal artwork for the home.
25:14||Season 1, Ep. 19Art Dealer Nichola Dare explains how you can discover the history, cultural and the stories behind ‘Aboriginal Contemporary’ artist. This Sydney gallery has art work from the strident ochres of the Kimberley to untamed abstracts from the Western Desert, with emerging artists to some of Aboriginal art’s biggest names.18. EP 18: Merilyn Wilson Beretta setting up the home office to maximise your productivity and Carolyn Burns-McCrave tips on creating your dream house.
26:47||Season 1, Ep. 18Merilyn Wilson Beretta Business coach returns to give her tips on setting up the home office and how to create the perfect space and maximise your productivity. And Carolyn Burns-McCrave from House Rules tells us her private tips and tricks on how to turn a white box of a home into your dream home without breaking the budget.16. EP 16: Wrapping up the Sustainability conversation with Kristen Junor from Reverse Garbage & Adam Woodhams from Gardening Better.
25:41||Season 1, Ep. 16We are wrapping up the Sustainability conversation with Kristen Junor from Reverse Garbage to talk refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle and Adam Woodhams from Gardening Better podcast talks sustainably through the lines of generational history and what we can learn from pass generations. I also check in on his new home renovation and if he is managing the sustainability of the build.15. EP 15: The Art for everyone with Tim Olsen Olsen Gallery and Artist Marisa Purcell
22:50||Season 1, Ep. 15Its all about buying Art for the home on Better Ideas this week, with traditional and contemporary art expert and gallery owner Tim Olsen from Olsen Gallery and artist Marisa Purcell guiding us through buying original Art on all budgets. Peter also gets a free art appraisal on one of his paintings.14. Ep 14: Ed Halmagyi breakdowns some of the myths of slow cooking & Grahame Rowe talks sustainable garden design.
19:43||Season 1, Ep. 14Ed Halmagyi breakdowns some of the myths of slow cooking, giving his tips and somewhat of a science lesson on how to transfer bland into grand. And Grahame Rowe from Better Homes and Gardens team takes Sustainable living into the garden with his take on sustainable garden design.