
cover art for Arya Talking To Me? - A Game of Thrones Podcast

Arya Talking To Me? - A Game of Thrones Podcast

Australian comedians Adam Knox and Ben Vernel review every single episode of Game of Thrones and its spin-offs, including House of the Dragon! Enter the throne-zone. As featured on ABC Radio, and Buzzfeed.

Australian comedians Adam Knox and Ben Vernel review every single episode of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. As featured on ABC Radio, and Buzzfeed.

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  • 8. Season 2 Episode 8 'The Queen Who Ever Was'

    01:05:22||Season 2, Ep. 8
    On this week's podcast Adam and Ben fumble around, change their minds a few times, and eventually end up back where they started... and then there's a montage! Yes, this week we talk about the finale, which has been roundly condemned for being kind of meh. Was it actually meh? Or was it veh-ry good? You simply must listen to find out. Thank you so much for listening this season, it's been a joy to hear from everyone. See you soon...?!

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  • 7. Season 2 Episode 7 'The Red Sowing'

    01:08:20||Season 2, Ep. 7
    On this episode called The Red Sowing the boys discuss embroidering in crimson. Nah just jokes, they talk abut how a red hooded woman tells a bunch of bastards to go ride a dragon. Rhaenyra assembles her avengers one crispy commoner at a time, while Daemon gets cucked by a teen and Aemond... does stuff. Great episode but how are they gonna make the finale extra explosive?Get your thoughts and questions in to for the last time for maybe two years!
  • 6. Season 2 Episode 6 'Smallfolk'

    01:31:13||Season 2, Ep. 6
    This week the lads cover Episode 6 'Smallfolk' and they definitely talk about all the important things like "would you actually be fine living on fish alone?" and "is Mysaria lovebombing Rhaenyra?". From the heights of the Red Keep to the depths of Daemon's nightmares, hear about all your Hot D action via Ben and Adam.Get your emails in to and let us know what you think of the show!
  • Season 2 Episode 5 'Regent'

    This week Adam and Ben break down all the toings and froings and backs and forths of semi-mid-war HOTD, with more Daemon dreams, Rhaenyra risks and Simon says. Aemond in charge? Uh oh.Get your questions and comments in to
  • 4. Season 2 Episode 4 'The Red Dragon and the Gold'

    01:17:43||Season 2, Ep. 4
    It's dragon fight time! War has spread across the lands like wildfire, or dragon fire as it were (and it was), with Rhaenyra returning and Ser Cole rampaging around with an army. Rhaenys takes to the skies, Aegon follows, and everything ends in a nice happy nice fun nice confrontation. So nice.Get your thoughts and questions in to and we'll see you next week!
  • 3. Season 2 Episode 3 'The Burning Mill'

    01:26:03||Season 2, Ep. 3
    This week we recap and review The Burning Mill. First of all, someone set fire to the mill. Secondly, the mill burned. Ok thanks for reading! If you're also interested in our recap of season 2, episode 3 of House of the Dragon, feel free to listen to our podcast about it. Lots of listener emails this week, plus all of our thoughts on this big ep!Get in touch for a chat at or @aryatalkingtome on Instagram.See you next week!
  • 2. Season 2 Episode 2 'Rhaenyra the Cruel'

    01:15:15||Season 2, Ep. 2
    This week the boys track the blowback to the ooooooold snip snip that happened at the end of last episode. War? Revenge? Smashing some plates? Everything's on the table (except those smashed plates) as Team Green amps up. Over at Team Black, there's a bit of uncle-husband/niece-wife tension, and a farcical twin fight. Wow, what a week! Wow!Get in touch for a chat about episode 3 at or @aryatalkingtome on Instagram.See you next week!