
Are We Still Talking About This?
Larry Charles: Survival
Ep. 10
Jessica and Adam speak with Larry Charles, director of Borat, Bruno and Religulous. His new documentary series, Larry Charles' Dangerous World of Comedy, is now available on NETFLIX.
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22. Steve Rogers: Anxiety...
42:10||Ep. 22Steve Rogers is a New York City based comedian who has been making others laugh for most of his life. On this episode he speaks about grappling with anxiety and talks to us about the first time he experienced a panic attack. Follow Steve on social media and catch him on the road @notsteverogers21. Chaunte Wayans: Patterns
25:31||Ep. 21You can follow Chaunte' Wayans on Instagram @Cwayans , and stay tuned for her Netflix special in August!20. Viva Ruiz: Thank God for Abortion
38:05||Ep. 20VIVA RUIZ is the daughter of Ecuadorian immigrants and a community and nightlife educated advocate and artist living and working in New York City. The underlying thrust of all mediums is to destroy white supremacy and exorcize the colonial / colonized mindset. Two recent notable highlights: programming sex education and practical spirituality workshops as an invited curator for the New Museum’s "Scamming the Patriarchy" youth event and "ProAbortion Shakira: A Thank God For Abortion Introspective" a 5 week solo show at Participant Inc showing collected works and hosting conversations within the multimedia abortion destigmatization experiment THANK GOD FOR ABORTION. Tee shirts and other propaganda available at: @thankgodforabortion / @chocolatinaruizFB Thank God For AbortionShout Your Abortion: "Our stories are ours to tell. This is not a debate."National Network of Abortion Funds Mike: The Ruined Orgasm
51:07|Cokie the Clown- You're Welcome (Album)Punk In Drublic festival is coming back: Fat Mike's Lingerie LineNOFX Tour DatesCokie the Clown (Instagram)Fat Mike (Instagram)National Suicide Prevention Helpline 1-800-273-825518. Allison Raskin: OCD
22:02||Ep. 18Just Between Us (Podcast)Just Between Us (Youtube Channel)I Hate Everyone But You (YA Novel)Allison Raskin on InstagramWags and Walks Dog RescueNAMI OCD resource pageNAMI helpline (general mental health resources) 800 950 NAMISuicide Prevention Lifeline 1800 273 825517. Michael Bentt: Champion
36:11||Ep. 17Anatomy of a Knockout- How it Feels to be KO'd by Michael BenttMIchael Bentt vs Tommy MorrisonMichael Bentt's WebsiteMichael Bentt's Filmography Michael Bentt on TwitterMIchael Bentt on InstagramMC Brand CommunicationsKai Art- This Is Not ArtThe Trevor Project16. Sean White : Alive
37:09||Ep. 16Dead & Gone (Comedy Album)Angry & Alone (Comedy Album)Sean White's TwitterGrief Resource Network Hotline ListNational Drug HelplineNational Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800- 273- 825515. Flame Monroe: Sticks and Stones
58:02||Ep. 15This week Jessica and Adam speak with the incredibly talented Flame Monroe.Flame Monroe on InstagramFlame Monroe on Twitter14. Aida Margarita Rodriguez: Uncompromised
49:00||Ep. 14Aida Rodriguez's upcoming datesAida Rodriguez on InstagramAida Rodriguez on TwitterTruth Serum RadioCall 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area. RAINNDidi Hirsch’s Suicide Prevention Crisis Line is a leading member of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. We are one of two centers in the national network with English- and Spanish-speaking crisis counselors 24/7. We also have Korean-speaking counselors during peak evening hours at 877-727-4747.Survivors after Suicide: Support GroupHow to volunteer for Didi Hirsch's Suicide Prevention Center (LA area). Our Suicide Prevention Center needs your help to staff its 24-hour Crisis Line and its online Crisis Chat. To become a volunteer Crisis Counselor, call (424) 362-2920.Eating Disorder Helpline: (800) 931 2237Domestic Violence Survivor Resources (LA County)