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Any Stupid Questions?

Any Stupid Questions

Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well,

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  • 2. Any Stupid Questions about... The 2019 General Election Campaign?

    31:50||Season 4, Ep. 2
    Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well, here's a podcast that will ask those questions so you don't have to.We've decided to do two 2019 UK General Election specials. In this one, Danielle Ward is joined comedians Sooz Kempner (Mystery On The Rox podcast) and Nat Tapley (Date Fight podcast), to ask questions about the coverage of the campaign to former Labour party political advisor, Tom Hamilton.Questions asked and answered include:Is it more important to knock on doors or go on TV?Do people really care who their MP is?Where has Jacob Rees-Mogg gone?Would Jeremy Corbyn win a majority if he ran a Tony Blair-style campaign?With just a week to go, can ChangeUK The Independent Group For Change win a majority? if you've sort of been guessing the answers based on a gut feeling, why not listen and find out for sure? And then subscribe to stay equally informed about other issues, as we get around to them.All our guests are on Twitter, so go and say hello - @SoozUK, @Natt and @thhamilton, and Danielle is @captainward. The show itself now has a Twitter account: @AnyStupidQs. Follow it for information about upcoming episodes, recordings, and extra bits of the show that had to be cut for any reason, and to shout at us for any bits in this week's show that we got wrong.Produced by Ed Morrish (@edmorrish)Music from information regarding your data privacy, visit

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  • 1. Any Stupid Questions about... The 2019 General Election Coverage?

    39:29||Season 4, Ep. 1
    Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well, here's a podcast that will ask those questions so you don't have to.We've decided to do two 2019 UK General Election specials. In this one, Danielle Ward is joined comedians Sooz Kempner (Mystery On The Rox podcast) and Nat Tapley (Date Fight podcast), to ask questions about the coverage of the campaign to the political editor of The New Statesman, Stephen Bush.Questions asked and answered include:Why is everyone just allowed to lie these days?Do the Greens look better than they deserve to because they've only got one MP so can't split?Does anything you print about any candidate make any difference at all?Is this the dirtiest campaign ever?Which of Boris Johnson's children is the best one? if you've sort of been guessing the answers based on a gut feeling, why not listen and find out for sure? And then subscribe to stay equally informed about other issues, as we get around to them.All our guests are on Twitter, so go and say hello - @SoozUK, @Natt and @thhamilton, and Danielle is @captainward. The show itself now has a Twitter account: @AnyStupidQs. Follow it for information about upcoming episodes, recordings, and extra bits of the show that had to be cut for any reason, and to shout at us for any bits in this week's show that we got wrong.Produced by Ed Morrish (@edmorrish)Music from information regarding your data privacy, visit
  • 9. Any Stupid Questions about... Israel & Palestine?

    42:05||Season 3, Ep. 9
    Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well, here's a podcast that will ask those questions so you don't have to.This week - and, dear Lord, we hope we've got this one right - Danielle Ward is joined by comedy writer and Guardian columnist Jack Bernhardt (The Lentil Sorters, The Amazing World of Gumball) and writer/producer Clarissa Maycock (Ray Moss: No Stone Unturned, Glitzy Ghost Hunter) to talk to Hugh Lovatt, Policy Fellow at the pan-European thinktank The European Council on Foreign Relations about - and, basically, we apologise in advance - Israel & Palestine.(Everyone except Hugh sounds a bit more nervous than usual.)Questions asked and answered include:How did this start?Are there any comparable situations in the world?If a baby is born in the West Bank, what nationality are they?How helpful was Tony Blair to the whole thing?What's the state of left-wing politics in Israel? if you've sort of been guessing the answers based on a gut feeling, why not listen and find out for sure? And then subscribe to stay equally informed about other issues, as we get around to them.All our guests are on Twitter, so go and say hello - @jackbern23, @ClarissaDM and @h_lovatt, and Danielle is @captainward. The show itself now has a Twitter account: @AnyStupidQs. Follow it for information about upcoming episodes, recordings, and extra bits of the show that had to be cut for any reason, and to shout at us for any bits in this week's show that we got wrong.Produced by Ed Morrish (@edmorrish)Music from
  • 8. Any Stupid Questions about... Councils?

    38:19||Season 3, Ep. 8
    Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well, here's a podcast that will ask those questions so you don't have to.This week Danielle Ward is joined by Tim Roca, a member of Westminster City council, to talk about how councils work. Danielle is joined by comedians Tiernan Douieb (Partly Political Broadcast) and Kemah Bob (FOC It Up comedy club).Questions asked and answered include:Is being a councillor a full-time job?Why is my council tax so damn high?Does Parliament pay business rates?What night is bins? if you've sort of been guessing the answers based on a gut feeling, why not listen and find out for sure? And then subscribe to stay equally informed about other issues, as we get around to them.All our guests are on Twitter, so go and say hello - @TiernanDouieb, @kemahbob and @timroca95, and Danielle Ward is @captainward. The show itself now has a Twitter account: @AnyStupidQs. Follow it for information about upcoming episodes, recordings, and extra bits of the show that had to be cut for any reason.Produced by Ed Morrish (@edmorrish)Music from
  • 7. Any Stupid Questions about... The Police?

    37:22||Season 3, Ep. 7
    Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well, here's a podcast that will ask those questions so you don't have to.This week Danielle Ward is away, so Carrie Quinlan sits in as Rick Muir, director of the Police Foundation, explains the police. Carrie is joined by comedians Gareth Gwynn (Gareth Gwynn's Alternative Archive) and Olivia Lee (Frank).Questions asked and answered include:What's crime are you most likely to get away with?When's the best time to commit a crime if you don't want to get caught?Do detectives in real life have partners who they love to hate?What's the most realistic police drama on TV? if you've sort of been guessing the answers based on a gut feeling, why not listen and find out for sure? And then subscribe to stay equally informed about other issues, as we get around to them.All our guests are on Twitter, so go and say hello - @garethgwynn, @olivialee7 and @RickMuir1, and Carrie is @quinlan_carrie. The show itself now has a Twitter account: @AnyStupidQs. Follow it for information about upcoming episodes, recordings, and extra bits of the show that had to be cut for any reason.Produced by Ed Morrish (@edmorrish)Music from
  • 6. Any Stupid Questions about... The Environment?

    34:24||Season 3, Ep. 6
    Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well, here's a podcast that will ask those questions so you don't have to.This week Danielle Ward gets the environment explained to her by Emily Beament, the Environment & Heritage Correspondent for the Press Association. Danielle is joined by comedians Alice Fraser (Tea With Alice, The Bugle) and John-Luke Roberts (Bull, Spats).Questions asked and answered include:How screwed are we?Should we ban cars?What's the environmental cost of sex toys?What's the best form of renewable energy?No, seriously, how screwed are we? if you've sort of been guessing the answers based on a gut feeling, why not listen and find out for sure? And then subscribe to stay equally informed about other issues, as we get around to them.All our guests are on Twitter, so go and say hello - @aliterative, @jlukeroberts and @EmilyBeament, and Danielle is @captainward. The show itself now has a Twitter account: @AnyStupidQs. Follow it for information about upcoming episodes, recordings, and extra bits of the show that had to be cut for any reason.Produced by Ed Morrish (@edmorrish)Music from
  • 5. Any Stupid Questions about... Elections?

    44:03||Season 3, Ep. 5
    Ever feel like you missed something important when it comes to the news? A fact, a detail, or an event that it feels like everyone else knows about, and now you'd look like a moron if you asked someone to explain? Well, here's a podcast that will ask those questions so you don't have to.This week Danielle Ward gets elections explained to her by Lewis Baston, a political journalist and author formerly of the Electoral Reform Society. Danielle is joined by comedy writers Sarah Morgan (Wilsons Save The World, The Fear) and Joel Morris (Philomena Cunk, The Ladybird Books For Grownups).Questions asked and answered include:What happens if Theresa May never calls another election?How can we get young people interested in voting without making polling booth selfies legal?Should we lower the minimum age for voting? And should we introduce a maximum age for voting?AV Vs PR: whoever wins, will we lose? if you've sort of been guessing the answers based on a gut feeling, why not listen and find out for sure? And then subscribe to stay equally informed about other issues, as we get around to them.All our guests are on Twitter, so go and say hello - @gralefrit, @sarahlmorgan and @lewis_baston, and Danielle is @captainward. The show itself now has a Twitter account: @AnyStupidQs. Follow it for information about upcoming episodes, recordings, and extra bits of the show that had to be cut for any reason.Produced by Ed Morrish (@edmorrish)Music from